What is HELP?
We aim at helping Neonatologists/ Pediatricians managing a neonate with suspected rare disorder. Our experts on rare disorders are willing to help guide in establishing initial diagnosis- Metabolic/ Genetic tests will be performed (fully supported by KIMSHealth CSR) if prescribed by the expert panel.
Who are the beneficiaries?
We are presently supporting neonates (less than 1 month of age).
How can I seek support from HELP?
HELP hotline will be shared across e platforms and any neonatologists/ pediatrician who has a baby with a suspected rare disease can talk with our rare disease experts and be guided accordingly (process flow as described).
Can a baby already diagnosed with a rare disease avail HELP?
If the diagnosis of a rare disease is confirmed, then the government of India has a large financial support system in place. We will support only babies and families with a suspected disorder.
What is not covered in HELP?
We will not be able to support the costs incurred for clinical services that are required to manage a sick baby like x-rays, liver function, renal function tests, cultures, CRP, fee of the hospital, and expenses of the family like food and travel.
HELP team will not be able to take responsibility of medical management
We wish to provide scientific guidance and small financial assistance, as these are reasons for families and treating teams for not being able to investigate. The responsibility of managing the sick neonate will rest with the treating team who has admitted the neonate.